Its The Freakin Weekend Song
It S The Freakin Weekend Song Country
It’s been a bit of a crazy week, both in the way of migraines and preparing for another garage sale this weekend. Our plans to move to Seattle in October seemingly fell short, as we just didn’t have enough time to take care of other affairs.
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Healthy Helper Blog » It’s the freakin’ weekend. It’s the freakin’ weekend. June 4, 2011 By Healthy Helper 23 Comments. And I’m ‘bout to have me some fun! 100 brownie points to anyone who can name that SONG! Made it to another weekend friends! Here’s what’s getting me excited for the weekend: 1.
We’re planning for next spring instead, which should give us plenty of time to unload more of our stuff. On the gaming front, I’ve been obsessively playing Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. I’m 43 hours in, just unlocked the airship in chapter 7, recruited my 50th citizen, and upgraded my kingdom to rank 3. The kingdom stuff is pretty fun; erecting and upgrading buildings to impress the locals, which, in turn, gives me more money at a faster rate. I’m also enjoying the skirmish stuff, which is an RTS-lite with a paper-rock-scissors battle mechanic. As for my go-to party, I spent most of my time using Roland (main) with Batu and Tani, just so all three party members avoided sharing weapon types.
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Lately, though, I benched the father/daughter sky pirate duo and brought in Evan for his massive spell damage, along with Bracken for her healing and support abilities. It’s been smooth sailing. Download free games for laptop.